FX Concepts Winds Down

FX Concepts LLC was once the world’s largest Forex hedge fund that at its peak managed more than 14 billion in assets.

As of September 26, that number has declined to $661 million.

Founded in 1981, FX Concepts has suffered significant losses […]

Escaping Full Time Employment

Twenty years ago, the ability to make a living without being employed at a job, was a privilege.

These days however, with companies outsourcing and automating labor, this has now increasingly become a necessity.

Nevertheless, the joy of escaping employment lingers long […]

The Over-Trading Problem

The two most common and significant trading mistakes are:

  1. Trading too often
  2. Trading too large

Put together, these over-trading tendencies account for the majority of losses among retail traders.

So why do so many people fall into this trap?

The not-so-obvious answer lies […]

Cargo Cult Traders

During World War II, the U.S. Military stationed forces on some islands in the Pacific ocean. They kept military equipment and supplies on these islands, and built makeshift runways for planes to land and take off.

Interestingly, the military personnel found […]

Trader Mindsets The Market Loves To Punish

Whenever I start thinking in certain patterns, my trading performance plummets.

This has been such a regular occurrence that I have an acronym for it: DIED.

It stands for Desperate, Impatient, Egocentric, Daring.

The Desperate Mindset

When I’m desperate, I think:

  • “I’m in too much […]

Trading Complexity

Here’s a myth you see almost everywhere online: Successful trading is simple.

The truth is, it’s not. That’s just a marketing angle.

If trading was simple, anyone can just pick up a book, follow what it says, and become a winning trader.

But […]

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