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The Best Business in the World

You might already know that entrepreneurship is the most reliable way to attain wealth⁽¹⁾⁽²⁾.

The problem with running a business, however, is the cost.

If you consider all expenses, even a small local business will easily burn through mid-5 figures a year⁽³⁾.

And if it fails - which happens to half of all businesses after 5 years⁽⁾ - there's a good chance the owner would be financially ruined.

That's the reality of traditional entrepreneurship. It's a game where the costs of entry, participation and failure are exceptionally high.

Unless you have a safety net (like Bill Gates who had wealthy parents), traditional entrepreneurship just doesn't make sense.

Now what if I told you there's a better game you can be playing, where the costs are much lower?


Traditional Business

Forex Trading Business

Potential Reward


Very High

Starting Effort

Very High


Ongoing Effort



Entry Costs

Very High


Ongoing Costs



Cost of Failure

Very High


A Forex trading business not only avoids most of the drawbacks of traditional entrepreneurship, it provides many extra benefits.

Here are some of them:

Ease of Leverage

If you tried to borrow $100,000 from your favorite bank to start a business with no track record, you’d be shown to the door faster than you can say “pretty please”.

With Forex trading however, financial leverage is readily available.

It's the lowest-barrier, most efficient way to “borrow” tens, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in your bid to make a profit.

And the only collateral you’ll need to provide is a measly 1% – 5% of the "loan" amount.

No other business in the world (not even stock or futures trading) can give you this kind of raw borrowing power.

Of course, as Uncle Ben told Peter Parker (aka Spiderman), with great power comes great responsibility.

The flip side to having so much borrowing power is that you can blow up your trading account if you go about it the wrong way.

That’s the Darwinism behind capitalism – the capable traders win, and the incompetent traders lose. It’s the law of nature.

Good traders use leverage to advance their goals, while bad traders use leverage to speed up their demise.

Later on in this guide, I'll show you how to use leverage responsibly in your Forex trading business.

Limited Downside

One of the biggest risks of running a traditional business is that you personally stand to lose more than your initial investment.

If your brick-and-mortar business doesn’t work out for any reason, you may be personally liable for the debts of your business.

Imagine you’re running a store that sells custom-made furniture. You’ve ordered a whole bunch of raw materials, hired workers, got them to craft a whole line of new designer furniture, and signed a 12-month lease for the storefront where you’ll be selling your works of art.

Alas, 6 months later you’ve sold only 5 chairs, the business is drenched in losses and it suddenly becomes clear that it isn’t going to survive.

What are you options now?

Well, you could

  1. Stay in operation and pray for a miracle

  2. Shut down the business and get sued by your suppliers, workers and landlord for not meeting your contractual obligations. Your personal assets may be seized and sold to pay your creditors. You’ll most likely be declared bankrupt.

  3. Quietly sell all your stuff and book a one-way flight to Nicaragua, never to return

The risks associated with a traditional business are often too impractical for the average person 
to consider.

With Forex trading however, your losses are (99.9% of the time) limited to the capital in your trading account. Only under very extreme circumstances will you ever be at risk of losing more than that.

Near-Zero Overhead Expenses

All businesses have some form of fixed expenses to pay for.

If you're a typical business owner, your rent, utilities and staff expenses alone are likely to be at least in the mid-4-to-5 figures. This is what you'd have to pay every month, regardless of whether you made a profit.

These are heavy financial obligations that most people are unable to bear.

With a Forex trading business, your only overheads are limited to electricity, an internet connection, and maybe a new computer every few years. You can literally run a multi-million dollar business on a single laptop. I've done it, and there's no reason you can't do the same.

Massive Upside

All businesses have a natural cap to their maximum achievable revenue.

If you own a neighborhood coffee shop for example, your revenue is limited by the number of people in the neighborhood and the number of customers you can serve per hour.

Even if you run a world-class coffee shop, you'd only be able to sell a few hundred cups of coffee a day, at the most.

With Forex trading, your "cap" is only limited by the global demand for hundreds of billions of dollars worth of currencies each day.

In other words, unless you're already making a boatload of money (that's the technical term), your income potential will not be limited by external factors.


In a traditional business, mistakes can be very costly.

If you signed a bad contract or took on an obligation that proved too expensive to maintain, you can't get out of your liabilities easily or cheaply.

Compare this with Forex trading - the moment you realize a trade isn’t working out, you have the option to cut it immediately without penalty or delay.

The same goes for valuable trading opportunities that suddenly appear.

In a normal business, it'll probably take you months to restructure operations in order to take advantage of new opportunities. By then, those opportunities might have passed you by.

With Forex trading, there's no time lag to capitalizing on opportunities - you can take immediate action the moment they show up.


Imagine you own a small graphic design agency. After 3 years of hard work you are ready to expand to a second office.

Now, between finding a suitable office space, renovations, hiring and training staff, the earliest you can get the second office up and running is probably 2 - 3 months, if you're lucky. 

With a Forex business, no such luck is required. In literally a fraction of a second, you can double, triple, or quadruple your trading operation simply by increasing your trading lot size.

This is a highly underrated characteristic of a trading business.

Without any extra cost or effort, you can immediately expand the scale of your operation at any time.

Rapid Income Growth

Taking the same graphic design agency, let's say as the owner you make a net profit of $5k per month, per office, and you open a new office every year at the cost of $125k per office.

By the end of the 5th year you've opened 5 offices and your income is $25k per month.

Now what if you ran a Forex trading business with the same parameters?

Same as the graphic design business, let's say as a trader your net income starts at $5k per month, and you "expand your operations" by investing $125k into your trading account each year.

With a monthly capital growth of 4%, how much do you think you'd be making by the end of your 5th year of Forex trading?

The answer: $55k per month (compared to $25k per month in the graphic design business).

forex business income

In a normal business, your income goes up incrementally as it increases via arithmetic growth (i.e. in fixed "steps").

With a Forex trading business, your income goes up exponentially via geometric growth (i.e. compounding).

Note: We're not even taking into account the growing asset (trading capital) you'd be accumulating as a trader, as opposed to the depreciating assets (office furniture, equipment etc) you'd have to spend on as a traditional business owner.


Most traditional businesses are highly dependent on a few companies, suppliers, platforms, and/or customers.

They are therefore vulnerable to major disruptions on both the demand and supply sides of the business equation.

If, for example, you run a successful retail clothing store at the mall, and your landlord decides - for any reason - not to renew your lease, your business is pretty much over.

Similarly, if your customers change their preferences or demand less of your product, you must fundamentally change your business model or shut it down.

fragile business

These are common problems faced by most businesses, but NOT the business of Forex trading.

You see, with a Forex business you'll never have to worry about demand - the world will always be in need of currency exchange.

As the owner of a Forex business, your only point of external risk is your broker, who is essentially your "supplier".

Thankfully, there are plenty of well-regulated broker alternatives to choose from, so your trading business will be at low risk of experiencing significant operational disruptions.

robust forex business

Few businesses are able to adapt to "supply" disruptions faster and easier than a Forex trading business.

Now to further explain the importance of this point, let's take a more extreme example.

Let's say something drastic happens in the country you're operating in, and the authorities are looking to ban all trading activities in 3 months time. (This is highly unlikely, of course, but just go with it.)

As a Forex trader, you can quite easily move your entire operation to a different jurisdiction in a matter of weeks. Even if you're managing a multi-million dollar account, you can move your business to a different country and pick up exactly where you left off.

And even if your Forex business gets wiped out - for any reason at all - you can pick things up again quickly because you don't lose your most important asset - your skill and experience as a trader.

What makes a Forex business so flexible and robust is that the most valuable asset is intangible and easily portable. It's all contained within something that no one can ever take away from you - your mind.

No Inventory or Staff Problems

In a Forex trading business, you only have 2 things to focus on: your trading strategy and yourself.

You don't have to deal with inventory problems or staff issues, which is a HUGE advantage.

The fewer "moving parts" you have in your business, the fewer things can go wrong and the fewer headaches you'll get.

Lifestyle Flexibility

The typical entrepreneur works more than 14 hours day, 7 days a week in order to maintain and grow his business.

This places a tremendous strain on his health and relationships, which are usually the first casualties of his entrepreneurial ambition.

A Forex trader, on the other hand, faces no such trade-off.

You see, unlike the running of a normal business, the running of a trading business does not require long work hours.

In fact, one of the things you'll come to learn is that good trading involves very little screen time. There's an inverse correlation between a trader's profitability and the frequency of his trades.

Right now I spend less than 2 hours a day (in total) on my trading. The rest of my time is spent reading, writing, exercising, learning new skills, and various leisure activities.

Caveat: When you first start out, you'll inevitably have to spend time developing a viable trading strategy. But once you've done that, you shouldn't be spending a lot of time each day running a Forex business.

Physical Accessibility

One of the best things about a Forex trading business is that the only physical requirement is the ability to operate a computer.

You don't need to be able to drive, walk, or even get out of bed. Heck, you could run a Forex business sitting in a wheelchair and be at no disadvantage.

Trading is an activity you can do well into your 70s and 80s, for as long as your mind is lucid.

How many other businesses can say the same?

Geographic Independence

This is a personal favorite of mine --> You don't have to be trading from a fixed location.

You can trade from anywhere in the world with a stable internet connection, which renders regular travel to be a real option for you.

I’ve run my Forex trading business while traveling to the Maldives, Lithuania, Bangkok and San Francisco among other places, and I don’t intend to stop any time soon.

If you really think about it, the business of Forex trading has so many advantages over traditional businesses that it borders on the ridiculous.

I predict that in the coming decades, we're going to see a generation of solo trader-entrepreneurs that will take over the private investment and hedge fund industry. The technology to run a private Forex business/fund is already available. All it takes is YOU to develop the skills to trade well.

Continue to the next page

Forex Trading as a Business: Getting Real

About the Author

My name is Chris Lee and I've been a retail Forex trader since 2005. I've gone through many successes and failures, including managing a 7-figure investor account (which was great), and losing a 6-figure personal account (which was not great).

You can check out my live performance results here.